Beauty Kujaku Koi Fish, Do you have one in your pond?

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Kujaku koi fish is a very beautiful type of koi fish. The full name of this type of fish is Kujaku Ogon which literally means ‘Peacock’ and this koi fish itself is often nicknamed as Peacock koi fish in England. Kujaku koi fish is a metallic koi fish with strong reticulation on its scales so that the fish looks like a net on its back. This reticulation is then covered with a Kohaku pattern in red, orange, yellow, or gold to create a very striking effect. It is not surprising that the Kujaku koi fish is a variety that is very popular with many koi fish keepers, both new and experienced! Kujaku koi fish is a relatively new type of koi fish that was originally bred in the 1960s by Nishi Hirasawa from Hiranishi Fish Farm in Japan.

This type of fish was first created by mating the Hariwake koi (a bicolor koi with a base color of platinum and metallic yellow, gold, or orange) with a Shusui koi (a doitsu koi, or a scaleless koi with a blue-gray base color). ash and red color on sides and fins). Shortly after being first bred, the Kujaku koi variety quickly became the center of public attention through various shows and competitions. Initially, this fish was judged in a larger category, namely Hikarimoyo (which means metallic koi with two or more colors) in various competitions. However, recently, the reputation of Kujaku koi has increased rapidly and their popularity in various competitions has led to them being judged in their own category.

There are several things to consider when evaluating the quality of Kujaku koi fish. Because the koi fish itself will have aspects of several older varieties of koi fish, the Kujaku fish with the best quality will feature the best aspects of each of those varieties. The first thing to notice is the shine and luster of the koi skin. Since Kujaku is a metallic koi, it is important to keep its skin from dulling. If you have a bright and shiny Kujaku, it will stand out in your pond and always be seen, whereas a bad shine will not attract attention at all. You may notice that different Kujaku have different body areas with the best shine – one may have a beautiful, bright shine along the top of its back while another may have the same shine only on the back of its head.

There are no rules here about what is best – what you like best is the best koi for you! The next thing to consider is the quality of reticulation on the scales. It is this reticulation that gives the Kujaku koi fish its beautiful net-like pattern along its back. Again, the thickness of the reticulation is entirely up to personal preference – as long as the reticulation does not overpower the beautiful metallic scales, any thickness of black is acceptable. Some koi keepers prefer light, fine reticulation while others prefer dark, thick reticulation and the others still prefer anything in between! The only important thing to note is that, regardless of the thickness of the reticulation, the reticulation must remain uniform throughout. The best quality Kujaku will have the same reticulation thickness throughout, the reticulation should not be thin in one part of the body and thick reticulation on the other. When the reticulation is evenly distributed throughout, the result is a stunning looking koi that any koi keeper would be proud to have in their pond.

Finally, we can consider the quality of coloring in koi fish. Kujaku fish have several colors to consider. First, we can consider the base color. In Kujaku fish, the basic color is shiroji, or white, and should be pure white like snow. A clean white base color that contrasts with the bright hi color can produce beautiful and stunning koi fish. The next color to consider is hi, or red. This color can be any shade of red – dark and bright reds suit some fish, and bright orange suits others. The important thing is that the color is evenly distributed with a consistent pattern throughout the body of the fish and kiwa, the edges, strong and clear.

Kujaku koi fish is a beautiful type of koi fish that is aptly nicknamed ‘Peacock Koi’. Even if only one of the above considerations is perfect, you will get koi fish that look stunning. It’s rare that all these considerations are perfect, but the show-winning Kujaku is a truly stunning koi.

In Be Koi, this type of kujaku has fins like usual, there are also tassel fins or called butterfly kujaku. The beauty of the same quality, the only difference is the fins are tassellier. Very beautiful dancing in the pond with the combination of metallic koi colors. Make sure you have it in your pond !!

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