Beauty of Koi Butterfly Kabuto

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Koi butterfly kabuto is a family of koi fish, some also call it a domesticated goldfish. This koi butterfly kabuto has a distinctive head shape. In Japan, this koi kabuto is depicted as resembling a helmet worn by samurai warriors.

There are many types of butterfly koi, but not a few hobbyists like to keep this type of Kabuto Butterfly koi because the body of this Kabuto koi is elongated and its fins are long and fluttering. And its colors vary, there are black, white, yellow, orange and red. And some Kabuto koi also show a metallic sheen on their scales which makes them even more striking.

This butterfly Kabuto Koi looks different from other types of Koi. Namely, the head of the Kabuto Koi is large and round with a slight curve at the top that has a protrusion. The fish’s eyes are located deep in the head and are usually dark in color. Often in Be Koi call it “Batman Koi”. Because the pattern on the head resembles the Batman cartoon.

For hobbyists who do not have this beautiful koi, immediately make sure that your pond has this koi. There are various color choices, you can collect all of them or one of these types of Kabuto Butterfly. Don’t forget to buy it at Be Koi 🙂

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