Beauty of Long Fin Koi Butterfly Aragoke

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Koi enthusiasts are certainly familiar with the name butterfly koi. Yup, koi with fringed fins and tails. All types of koi are currently bred to have fringed tails and fins so that there are many types of koi today that are beautiful in pattern, color and combination of long fins.

In this article, Be Koi will show one of the beautiful koi in the Be Koi pond. We call it “Butterfly Aragoke Metalic”. This butterfly aragoke metallic koi has a distinctive feature in its body, there are large scales, dragon scales or like rocks attached to the koi’s body. It looks very beautiful with a combination of long fins and tails and tassels.

In this harvest period, there are three popular colors, namely orange, yellow combined with black (dominant yellow), and also black combined with yellow (dominant black). Everything looks so beautiful, for the color to suit your taste. Actually, the choice of colors is very diverse, but because they are very similar, we distinguish them into three colors.

Those who are curious about the overall colors available can visit Be Koi’s social media, or come directly to the Be Koi basecamp. You can directly choose a koi with a full orange color, or a black-finned yellow color, or a white-finned yellow color, or a combination of other colors that are very diverse. And of course it is very beautiful swimming in the pools of all hobbyists.

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