Black Color Growth Process (Sumi) in Koi

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Hobbyists already know, over time koi patterns must have experienced changes in both body and pattern shape. Well, those who like to care for koi from small to large must know what is called koi mutation. Koi mutation is a change in koi from a small size to a larger size. This change can be in the form of the growth of black (sumi) which is increasingly visible, or a stronger red color or a body that is increasingly humped.

Well, in this article, the Be Koi team will show some changes or the growth journey of black color (sumi) in shiro and showa koi in Be Koi. The increasingly dense black color (sumi) that grows can occur due to several factors including cold water conditions, dark ponds, feeding and also the character or genes of the parent fish also affect.

Which do hobbyists prefer? Keeping fish that are already big or keeping fish from small to large to see the process of change?

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