Difference between Kujaku and Goshiki Koi

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These two types often confuse hobbyists, which one is goshiki and which one is kujaku. From the naked eye it will definitely be confusing, but if you observe more deeply, these two types of fish are very different. Today Be Koi will explain in detail the differences between the two types of koi goshiki and kujaku.

First, koi goshiki is a koi with five colors as the name suggests, namely black, blue, gray appearing in the form of reticulation or net pattern, throughout the body which is white and red similar to kohaku. But unlike kohaku, in koi goshiki you will find a very bright and striking Hi plate. Koi goshiki was created by crossing asagi and kohaku by the Japanese in 1918.

Meanwhile, the kujaku koi is a metallic koi with strong reticulation on its scales so that the fish looks like a net on its back. This reticulation is then coated with a red, orange, yellow, or gold kohaku pattern to produce a very striking effect. This kujaku koi was created by the Japanese in 1960 by crossing a hariwake type koi with a shusui koi.

From the description above, it can be seen that the striking difference that can be seen is that the koi kujaku is metallic (thick fins) while the goshiki is not metallic (clear fins). Both have a striking net or reticulation pattern on their backs but with different shapes because of the different crossbreeding results.

These two koi are very popular with hobbyists because the character of this type of koi is very stunning. Make sure you have both types of koi in your pond. For those who like long fins, don’t worry because both types of koi also have long fin types. Or usually called “Butterfly Goshiki” and “Butterfly Kujaku”. Almost the same, the only difference is that the fins are longer than the jon butterfly. All are complete at Be Koi, don’t run out of stock!!!

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