Often hobbyists when buying koi fish will definitely ask the gender of the koi to be purchased. What is the purpose? It depends on the buyer of course. What is certain is that some are used for parent material so match the male and female to fit. There are also those to be kept, usually preferring only males to avoid koi laying eggs that will dirty the pond. Well, in this article Be Koi will show you how to distinguish male and female koi, watch until the end.

How to distinguish between male and female koi:
1. Look at his genitals.
Maybe some people see the genitals of koi look the same, but like humans, koi also have differences. Namely, the male genitals are more prominent and pointed, while the female koi are rounder. This difference in koi sex can be seen clearly if the koi is between 7-8 months old.
2. Look at the surface of the koi’s cheeks
You can feel the surface of the cheeks on koi fish based on the level of roughness of the surface. Male koi fish tend to have rough cheeks than female koi. However, if both koi fish are too young, both males and females tend to have smooth cheeks.
3. Press the anus of the koi fish
Distinguish what fluid comes out of the anus. Thick and white sperm fluid will come out of the male koi. In females, egg fluid that is characterized by yellowish and somewhat rough will come out in large quantities.
4. Compare the body size of the koi fish
In male koi, the size is usually longer than that of female koi and the head of the male koi is also larger than that of the female.
5. Look at the koi’s body posture
Body shape is the difference in koi sex that is specifically seen clearly on the back. When you see koi fish swimming, from above the posture of the male koi’s back will be slimmer or pointed to the tail. Then, the posture of the female’s back will widen and round at the stomach.
Well, after understanding these methods, don’t forget to practice them at home, okay? 🙂 Hopefully this will help and make it easier to choose male and female koi fish :))