A Beautiful Combination of Blue and Red colors on the Asagi Koi

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Asagi has a very beautiful combination of blue and red. The initial discovery of Asagi came from the parent black kerper fish, known as Magoi, around 200 years ago in Japan. The characteristics of Asagi can be seen, namely that on its back there is an arrangement of scales that resemble nets or meshes that are blue or bluish in color.

Asagi’s quality is determined by:

  1. Head Section. This is the most important thing to consider when choosing Asagi. Quality Asagi means that the head looks clean, milky white and has no spots or spots. Then on both cheeks or gill covers there is a bright red color.
  2. Back. Along Asagi’s back it looked like it was covered in blue, or bluish, webs. The web pattern on a good Asagi is even and the blue color appears clear (not faint).
  3. Pectoral Fins. Asagi’s pectoral fins are bright red. The composition of the red color and pattern on this part is symmetrical, between the left and right fins. The red pattern at the base of Asagi’s fins is known as Motoaka or Shusui Fin.
  4. Abdominal part. Check the abdomen to see the spread of red from the chest extending to the anus.

Tips for Choosing Asagi Tosai Koi

The beauty of Asagi will become more visible when it is 3 years old (Sansai) and of course the price is relatively high. However, if you want to keep Asagi from a young age, you can use the following tips as a guide so that when you grow up, you can get Asagi of good quality.

Asagi, who is less than a year old (Tosai), does not yet have a clear web pattern on his scales, or in other words, it is still vague.However, as it grows, the net pattern and blue color will gradually become clearer and more defined.

  1. Male and female Asagi. In general, the blue color of male Asagi will appear more intense when compared to female Asagi. However, this does not mean that female Asagi whose blue color is still faint will forever remain faint, because female Asagi Tosai on average have not yet developed their color and web pattern. The head looks a little yellowish. If you want to have a female Asagi, then choose one whose blue color is still thin, but even. When a female Asagi grows up, her body shape is preferred because it looks bulkier or like a spindle shape. Meanwhile, the male Asagi has a relatively slim body shape.
  2. Fin section (pectoral fins). Choose a small Asagi whose pectoral fins are evenly red. The darker the red color on the fins, the better the future. However, if there is a small Asagi whose color is already deep red, then it is likely a male Asagi.
  3. Part of the gill cover. Make sure that the cheeks or gill covers are red even though they are not widening or at least there are signs that the red color will grow. Because when you grow up, the red color will increase and widen.
  4. Chest and stomach. Observe the bottom, whether there is a red color that extends from the chest, stomach to near the anus, even though it has not yet widened. Later, after 2 or 3 years, the red color will rise to half the body (when viewed from the side). Try turning his body over for a moment and observe to see if there is a red color extending across his stomach and throat, even though it hasn’t widened yet. Later, after 2 or 3 years, the red color will rise to half the body (when viewed from the side).
  5. Asagi Scales. Make sure that the scale arrangement is neat and symmetrical between the left and right parts, especially on the neck (between the head and back). Usually that’s where Asagi’s scales are arranged less regularly when they grow up. Therefore, check carefully and choose a neat arrangement of Asagi’s scales since she was little.
  6. Mouth partsA clean and smooth white color in the mouth is better to choose, even though the nose still looks a little yellowish. Choose Asagi whose mouth is pure white and cleaner than its head.

Types of Asagi koi