Aeromonas Disease in Koi Fish

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The main cause of Aeromonas disease attacks on koi fish is a bacteria called Aeromonas hydrophilla. There are many factors that cause these bacteria to infect koi fish. Finding the cause of bacterial infection in koi fish will help with treatment and prevention.

The cause of the emergence of Aeromonas bacteria:

  1. Pool water temperature. The most common cause of aeromonas in koi fish is improper pond water temperature. The bacteria that cause Aeromonas disease in koi fish can grow very quickly in water with high temperatures.Extreme changes in pond water temperature also make koi fish weaker, making them more susceptible to aeromonas disease.
  2. Koi fish density. The bacteria that cause Aeromonas disease in koi fish can spread very quickly if the presence of koi fish is very dense in the pond. The density of koi fish also causes pond water quality to decline.
  3. Poor water quality. Water quality can be assessed from the balance of parameters such as temperature, degree of acidity (pH), ppm, and salt content.

image of fish attacked by aeromonas

Handling koi fish infected with Aeromonas bacteria:

  1. Giving antibiotics. Aeromonas bacteria in koi fish can be prevented and killed by using antibiotics. For koi fish that have just been infected with aeromonas disease, you can add antibiotics to their feed.If the koi fish has been suffering from aeromonas disease for a long time, but has not shown severe symptoms, soak the fish in an antibiotic solution in water. Or you can directly inject antibiotics into the koi fish that is already showing severe symptoms of aeromonas disease.Giving antibiotics is the most effective way to kill Aeromonas bacteria which can save the life of koi fish.
  2. Addition of aerator. Aeromonas bacteria can attack the fish’s respiratory system. The addition of arator can help fish obtain oxygen in the water. and helps the fish healing process.
  3. Proper feed management. The right amount of feed has quite an impact on the health of koi fish. Insufficient feed of course makes koi fish malnourished. However, excess feeding also makes the pond water dirty, triggering the growth of Aeromonas bacteria.